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Represented in over 25 locations all over South Africa, A way to Explore (Pty) Ltd has the infrastructure and expertise to select, screen, prepare and deliver small or large groups of H-2A and H-2B workers turn key to your work site. Utilizing nationwide television  and radio advertisements in South Africa, but also the web, social and print media, we attract large numbers of potential applicants to place abroad.  

We also receive a large percentage of our applications through word of mouth, which are mostly referrals by recruits who have been on one of our programs in the US and who refer family and friends to us. Having such a large pool of applicants to choose from each year, plus a strict selection and profiling procedure, has helped to ensure that only the most promissing ones are approved and ultimately fly over to America to take up employment with you, the American employer.  

In turn this has proven effective with low "fall out"/ "non-complete" numbers, translating into having minimal workers quit or abscond over a full season, giving you access to a full workforce over the entire season. Part of our success is that our company controls the entire process from A to Z, from advertising, profiling, selection, pre-trip training, to booking visa appointments and funding and booking flight and US travel arrangements.  

We have the ability to do this through our corporate agreements which we have with established airlines such as Delta, Emirates and South African Airways.  These agreements with the airlines not only give us good ticket rates, but more importantly they provide availability and flexibility with tickets.  Controlling the entire process from A to Z, allows us to more easily overcome challenges and, or delays compared to others, lacking the infrastructure we have.

We work with a variety of immigration attorneys in the US who can set the work visa wheel in motion for you, the employer, to obtain your agricultural H-2A or non agricultural H-2B work visas.  Should you wish to work with your own immigration attorney, handling your H-2A or B work visas, we would welcome them on board with you. In addition to the above services we offer, we have even helped out as mediators in the event of a misunderstanding or dispute between one of our recruits and the American employer.  

Our management team from South Africa visit our clients / employers in the US frequently to get feedback on the performance of our recruits and to ensure we have a thorough understanding of your requirements and labor needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience, we look forward to having a Skype or conference call meeting with you to discuss your needs and where we may be of service.  

A way to Explore (Pty) Ltd has the infrastructure and expertise to select, screen, prepare and deliver small or large groups of H-2A and H-2B workers turn key to your work site.

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